Jalynn West Default How Does A Plumbing Leak Cause Major Water Damage?

How Does A Plumbing Leak Cause Major Water Damage?

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Anyone who has ever experienced a leaky faucet knows it can be annoying. Especially, when dripping sounds keep you awake when you need to sleep. Everyone finds it annoying to try to fall asleep while listening to a faucet drip. All night long, as you toss and turn, that leaky faucet has all your attention. And you may lose another night’s sleep, but before too long, you tune out the noise and rest. And this is where a leak can take a turn for the worse.

How Bad Is A Leaky Faucet?

So, what happens after the annoying constant dripping stops. When ignored, plumbing leaks that initially cause only minor inconveniences can develop into serious issues. The fact that you no longer notice the dripping faucet does not mean that it has stopped. Numerous gallons of water are frequently wasted by unattended water leaks. When you notice a higher-than-average water bill, be on the lookout for a concealed plumbing leak. Sometimes water leaks cause considerable damage. These water leaks do more than jack up a water bill. Before your first high bill arrives, you will not know how badly you need plumbing leak repair. Get more information morningsideplumbing.com/.

How Do You Know You Have A  Plumbing Leak?

Do you fear that you may have a plumbing leak? Has your water usage remained constant despite a recent high water bill? For quick, dependable, and cost-effective plumbing leak repair, call a reputable plumber. Residents will receive high-quality residential plumbing services from local plumbers, including plumbing leak repair.

In addition, both home and business owners can benefit from information on plumbing leaks. Anyone who frequently uses a sink, toilet, shower, or tub ought to become more knowledgeable about plumbing leaks. Knowing about leaks will enable you to detect a drip before it becomes a flood.

How Much Water Do Plumbing Leaks Waste?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency`s (EPA) mission is to protect human health and the environment. With that as the mission, the EPA supports water conservation efforts to protect the environment. For example, fix a Leak Week is an annual campaign to promote plumbing leak repair and to teach the public how to use less water. Here are a few startling statistics from the EPA about how much water US households waste yearly.

• The average household`s leaks can account for 10,000 gallons of water wasted yearly.

• Ten percent of homes have plumbing leaks that waste ninety gallons or more daily.

• One leaky faucet wastes 3,000 gallons of water annually by dripping once per second.

• Annually, minor plumbing leaks in US homes waste enough water to supply 11 Million US households with water for one year.

Where Does Plumbing Leak?

Homeowners need to know that troublesome leaks can ruin your home in secret. These dangerous leaks can lurk where plumbing lines run behind walls, between upper floors, and below ceilings. The more prolonged plumbing leaks like this go unnoticed, the more water damage results. These leaks can flood your walls and cause mold, mildew, and wood rot. It is common for water leaks to damage drywall, rafters, ceiling joists, wood framing, and floors. Sometimes homeowners find out about leaks when water-logged ceilings crash down on them unexpectedly. Keep reading Morningside Plumbing.

Does Plumbing Leak Outside?

Soggy ceilings and lingering mold can catch you by surprise when leaks hide inside your home. But leaks that need plumbing leak repair also occur outside. When your plumbing system springs a leak outside, it will typically be in a hard-to-reach place. Leaky pipes under your front lawn or underneath your home are hard to reach and impossible to see. It is easy to understand how leaks, buried underground or under a home built on a slab, can go undetected for months. It is best to call a plumber for fast plumbing leak repair, water line repair, and sewer line replacement to minimize property damage.

Where Can Plumbing Leaks Hide?

As far as outside, check for leaking in-ground sprinkler systems, garden hose fixtures, and swimming pools. For example, the EPA reports, “an irrigation system that has a leak 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month.” These leaks are in addition to underground water line and sewer line leaks.

How Can I Find Plumbing Leaks?

Unfortunately, the first alert homeowners get for an exterior leak is through a high-water bill. Please, pay close attention to how many gallons of water you use. Knowing what you use makes it easy to notice a water bill that is out of the norm. Doing this one small thing, looking over all your water bills, is the best early leak alert available. Make it a habit. Early plumbing leak detection can save you thousands of dollars on plumbing leak repair. Call a plumber for leak detection services if you suspect you have a leak. Find out more morningsideplumbing.com/.

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